I dont know what or how to do FitlerStringForBroadcast in my friends RP name script this script verison was made by maumaumaumaumaumua and he told me to add FitlerStringForBroadcast but i dont what that is or where it goes can someone please help! I dont want bother maumaumaumaumaumua to much btw, so if anyone could help please and thank you!
script itself
local Game = Game local Workspace = Workspace local Players = Game:GetService('Players') local DataStore = Game:GetService('DataStoreService'):GetDataStore('Nameplates') local HttpService = Game:GetService('HttpService') local RbxUtility = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"): WaitForChild("LoadLibrary"):WaitForChild("RbxUtility")) local Commands = require(script:WaitForChild('Commands')) -- local MaxCharacters = 150 -- local function filter(String,From) local filteredString = game.Chat:FilterStringForBroadcast(String,From) -- You could add more stuff if you want return filteredString end local function Color3ToString(Color) return math.floor(Color.r*255)..' '..math.floor(Color.g*255)..' '..math.floor(Color.b*255) end local function StringToColor3(String) local Pos = 1 local Values = {} for Value in string.gmatch(String, "%S+") do Values[Pos] = (tonumber(Value) / 255) Pos = Pos + 1 end return Color3.new(Values[1],Values[2],Values[3]) end -- local function GetCharacter(Player) if not Player.Character then repeat wait() until Player.Character end return Player.Character end local function GetNameplate(Character) local Head = Character:WaitForChild('Head') return Head:WaitForChild('Nameplate') end local function UpdateNameplate(Player) local Info = Player.NameplateInfo local Character = GetCharacter(Player) local Nameplate = GetNameplate(Character).Title Nameplate.Text = filter(Info.PlayerName.Value,Player) --// Our function Nameplate.TextColor3 = Info.Color.Value Nameplate.Font = Info.Font.Value end local function SaveNameplate(Player) local Key = Player.UserId local Info = Player.NameplateInfo local Data = {} for _,DataValue in next, Info:GetChildren() do if DataValue.Name == 'Color' then Data[DataValue.Name] = Color3ToString(DataValue.Value) else Data[DataValue.Name] = DataValue.Value end end DataStore:SetAsync(Key,HttpService:JSONEncode(Data)) end local function LoadNameplate(Player) local Key = Player.UserId local Info = Player.NameplateInfo local Data = HttpService:JSONDecode(DataStore:GetAsync(Key)) if Data then for _,iValue in next, Info:GetChildren() do for dName,dValue in next, Data do if iValue.Name == dName then if dName == 'Color' then dValue = StringToColor3(dValue) end iValue.Value = dValue end end end UpdateNameplate(Player) end end -- local function Chatted(Player,Message) for Name,Command in next, Commands do local Length = (Message:find(' ') or (Message:len() + 1)) - 1 local TypedCommand = Message:sub(1,Length) if TypedCommand == '/'..Name then local Argument = (Message:sub(Length + 2)) or nil if Argument and Argument:len() > MaxCharacters then Argument = Argument:sub(1,MaxCharacters) end Commands[Name](GetNameplate(GetCharacter(Player)),Argument) end end end local function CharacterAdded(Character) local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) local Info = Player.NameplateInfo -- wait(0.1) -- local BillboardGui = RbxUtility.Create('BillboardGui') { Name = 'Nameplate', Parent = Character:WaitForChild('Head'), AlwaysOnTop = true, Size = UDim2.new(0,1,0,1), StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0,2,0), } local Title = RbxUtility.Create('TextLabel') { Name = 'Title', Parent = BillboardGui, BorderSizePixel = 0, Size = UDim2.new(0,1,0,1), Font = Info.Font.Value, FontSize = 'Size18', Text = Info.PlayerName.Value, TextColor3 = Info.Color.Value, TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8, } end local function PlayerAdded(Player) local NameplateInfo = RbxUtility.Create('Configuration') { Name = 'NameplateInfo', Parent = Player, } local NameInfo = RbxUtility.Create('StringValue') { Name = 'PlayerName', Parent = NameplateInfo, Value = Player.Name, } local ColorInfo = RbxUtility.Create('Color3Value') { Name = 'Color', Parent = NameplateInfo, Value = Color3.new(1,1,1), } local FontInfo = RbxUtility.Create('StringValue') { Name = 'Font', Parent = NameplateInfo, Value = 'ArialBold', } Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(CharacterAdded) Player.Chatted:Connect(function(Message) Chatted(Player,Message) end) LoadNameplate(Player) end local function PlayerRemoving(Player) SaveNameplate(Player) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded) Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(PlayerRemoving)
local ValidFonts = {'Arial','ArialBold','Legacy','SourceSans','SourceSansBold','SourceSansLight','SourceSansItalic'} local function GetTitle(Nameplate) return Nameplate:FindFirstChild('Title') end local function GetPlayerFromNameplate(Nameplate) local Character = Nameplate.Parent.Parent return game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) end return { ['hide'] = function(Nameplate) Nameplate.Enabled = false end, ['show'] = function(Nameplate,Font) Nameplate.Enabled = true end, ['color'] = function(Nameplate,Color) local Title = GetTitle(Nameplate) if Title then local Player = GetPlayerFromNameplate(Nameplate) local Info = Player:FindFirstChild('NameplateInfo') if Info then Info.Color.Value = BrickColor.new(Color).Color Title.TextColor3 = BrickColor.new(Color).Color end end end, ['name'] = function(Nameplate,Name) local Title = GetTitle(Nameplate) if Title then local Player = GetPlayerFromNameplate(Nameplate) local Info = Player:FindFirstChild('NameplateInfo') if Info then Info.PlayerName.Value = Name Title.Text = Name end end end, ['font'] = function(Nameplate,Font) local Title = GetTitle(Nameplate) if Title then local Player = GetPlayerFromNameplate(Nameplate) local Info = Player:FindFirstChild('NameplateInfo') if Info then for _,FontName in next, ValidFonts do if Font == FontName then Info.Font.Value = Font Title.Font = Font end end end end end, }