The error is 17:16:08.368 - Players.techingenius.PlayerGui.Shop.Bought:4: attempt to index boolean with 'Name' and I'm using a script, any help? It used to work
game.Workspace.Owned.ACR.Changed:Connect(function(player) if game.Workspace.Owned.ACR.Value == true then local Clone = game.ServerStorage.ACR:Clone() Clone.Parent = game.Workspace[player.Name] end end)
The Changed event has a parameter of the property that's being changed.
So in this case, whenever the Value property changes, it's being referenced as "player".
I'm not so sure on how to fix this using a BoolValue.
You could use a StringValue and make it whenever no one own's it, it says "Unowned" if someone does own it, then it should say the player's name that owns it.
game.Workspace.Owned.ACR.Changed:Connect(function(property) if property == "Value" then if game.Workspace.Owned.ACR.Value ~= "Unowned" then local clone = game.ServerStorage.ACR:Clone() clone.Parent = game.Workspace[game.Workspace.Owned.ACR.Value] end end end)
Something along the lines of this should work. But, you'll have to do checks to see if anyone doesn't own it, and if no one own's it, then change the value of it to "Unowned".
But, hope this somewhat helped! Feel free to select this as an answer if this helped!