My random music player is meant to play random music constantly but it only starts to work when a player joins but it doesn't start until the permitted players say the skip command and even then it only plays 1 song once and not again until the skip command is said. Please help me fix this!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script Made By UndiscoveredLimited -- -- Put This Script Anywhere -- -- Change The Variable Below's Values -- -- DO NOT LEAVE BLANK SPACES, DELETE THEM -- -- WILL NOT WORK WITH ONLY ONE SONG -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SoundIds = {"142397652","154309298","154764197","161006106","144635805"} Permission = {"UndiscoveredLimited"} SkipCmd = "skip" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i,v in ipairs(SoundIds) do game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(""..v) end Sound ="Sound",game.Workspace) Sound.Volume = 0 Sound.Looped = true Sound.SoundId = "" Skip = false function Skip() Current = SoundIds[math.random(1,#SoundIds)] Last = Sound.SoundId wait(4) Sound.SoundId = ""..Current while Sound.SoundId == Last do Current = SoundIds[math.random(1,#SoundIds)] Sound.SoundId = ""..Current end Sound:Play() wait(1) for i = 1,10 do wait(0.25) if Sound.Volume ~= 1 then Sound.Volume = Sound.Volume + 0.1 end end wait(110) for i = 1,10 do wait(0.25) if Sound.Volume ~= 0 then Sound.Volume = Sound.Volume - 0.1 end end Sound:Stop() Skip = false end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(Player) Player.Chatted:connect(function(Chat) for i = 1, #Permission do if Player.Name == Permission[i] then if string.lower(Chat) == SkipCmd then Sound:Stop() Skip() Skip = true end end end end) end) while Skip == false do Current = SoundIds[math.random(1,#SoundIds)] Last = Sound.SoundId wait(4) Sound.SoundId = ""..Current while Sound.SoundId == Last do Current = SoundIds[math.random(1,#SoundIds)] Sound.SoundId = ""..Current end Sound:Play() wait(1) for i = 1,10 do wait(0.25) if Sound.Volume ~= 1 then Sound.Volume = Sound.Volume + 0.1 end end wait(110) for i = 1,10 do wait(0.25) if Sound.Volume ~= 0 then Sound.Volume = Sound.Volume - 0.1 end end Sound:Stop() end