so i am making a gun it is completly done other that one thing... recoil how do i change the camera angle? to be clear i am not asking for how to make the gun have recoil when i shoot just asking for changing the camera angle ok i got the script:
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera wait(3) local debounce = true local i = 0.1 while i > 0.001 do if debounce then debounce = false camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(i,0,0) i = i/1.2 wait(0.005) debounce = true end wait() end i = 0.005 while i < 0.0285 do if debounce then debounce = false camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(-i,0,0) i = i*1.04 wait() debounce = true end wait() end
mine isn't perfect could i see yours to compare 14zander?
don't know exactly what angle you want the camera to change to but there are a lot of explanations on camera manipulation here:
there are a few more here too: