I need to know how to make a dialog play without it being clicked, but I have no idea what that function/event is. can someone explain/tell me?
Look here or do the following, http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=RBX.lua.Chat_(Object).
game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(Part, Text, math.random(0, 2)) -- Used for chatting. --I'll break it down. game:GetService("Chat"):Chat() --Starts to create your wanted message. game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(Part) --Any part or item for the first variable. game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(Part, Text) --Second Variable is going to be your text. Like "Hello, World!" game:GetService("Chat'):Chat(Part, Text, math.random(0, 2)) -- Third variable is going to be your chat color. It's used with numbers, 0 -Blue, 1 - Green, 2 - Red.
So You Want It Like This Random Saying Person Put This One A Script Inside A NPC
local msgs = {"ATTACK", -- Change The Words To Change The Chat Of Npc "LOOOL", "THIS IS MY TEXT", "They Die", "DEFEND MY HOUSE", "fishyness"} local colors = {"Red","Green","Blue"} while wait(3) do game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(script.Parent.Torso,msgs[math.random(1,#msgs)],colors[math.random(1,3)]) end