I would like to know how to make the ad Actually Come up, The blog said It is now possible to do so Make Video ads in game (for Mobile but I think I can make it for everyone) and I need to know What I need to do in order for it to play an ad, and possibly how to create one.
I took this from the wiki, but it had different parts.
game:GetService("AdService"):ShowVideoAd() game:GetService("AdService").VideoAdClosed:connect(function() print("Finished showing video ad.") end) local remoteEvent = Instance.new("RemoteEvent") remoteEvent.Name = "ForceFieldEvent" remoteEvent.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, turnOnForceField) local character = player.Character if character then if turnOnForceField then local forceField = Instance.new("ForceField") forceField.Name = "AdForceField" forceField.Parent = character else local forceField = character:FindFirstChild("AdForceField") if forceField then forceField:Destroy() end end end end) game:GetService("AdService").VideoAdClosed:connect(function() game.ReplicatedStorage.ForceFieldEvent:FireServer(false) end) local function playAd() game:GetService("AdService"):ShowVideoAd() game.ReplicatedStorage.ForceFieldEvent:FireServer(true) end script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(playAd)
Put this in a LocalScript which will be placed in a TextButton. Once done, you may do whatever else you'd like.
Game:GetService("AdService").VideoAdClosed:connect(function() Game:GetService("UserInputService").ModalEnabled = false script.Parent.Text = "Ad was closed, this text will reset in 5 secs" wait(5) script.Parent.Text = "Tap Here to Play Ad" end) script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Game:GetService("UserInputService").ModalEnabled = true Game:GetService("AdService"):ShowVideoAd() end)