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Why doesn't this `rbxasset://` image load on mobile?

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

So I made a menu that kinda looks like Roblox's new menu. But the problem is, the image doesn't load. Path I do not want to share because I'm afraid it will get leaked. Code:

--I have the ContentProvider
local i = {script.Parent.otherframe2.Image}
script.Parent.otherframe.Image = i[1]

It's not a Frame though, it's an ImageLabel.

Thanks, b_mni.

1 answer

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Answered by 3 years ago

rbxasset:// likely doesn't work on mobile because of different directories, just reupload the image to Roblox and use rbxassetid:// and it will work.

Thank you! User#29913 36 — 3y

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