Death Counter script interfering with Levels Script?
I am currently making an obby. I added a death counter script, but I also had a levels script to show what level you are on. The levels script did not function properly when I added in the death counter script.
Here is the script for the death counter:
01 | ocal plrs = game.Players |
04 | plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect( function (plr) |
06 | local stats = "Folder" ) |
07 | stats.Name = "leaderstats" |
10 | local wipeouts = "IntValue" ) |
11 | wipeouts.Name = "Wipeouts" |
13 | wipeouts.Parent = stats |
15 | plr.CharacterAdded:Connect( function (char) |
17 | local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild( "Humanoid" ) |
19 | humanoid.Died:Connect( function () |
21 | wipeouts.Value = wipeouts.Value + 1 |