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What is the best way to reduce script use when there are too many active scripts?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

My game was claimed to have too much active scripts, what should I do about this situation to reduce script use when I need ALL of them for my game to work?

you're not giving much information to go off of, but one way you could combine them is to use the spawn() function to run multiple lines at once, which will let you combine multiple scripts together jediplocoon 877 — 4y
I have a game that requires scripts to work and roblox tells me that my game has too many active scripts and I don't know how to fix this without removing them User#30241 0 — 4y
The same thing happened to me in my game car. I just combined scripts and deleted some of the parts. I had the same parts that I had removed and I put them back. Also check out this: User#29913 36 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

Try to use Remote Events/Functions, bind actions and get rid of while true do's and wait()/WaitFor()'s absolutely wherever it is possible.

Are u zaying I should not use loop scripts User#30241 0 — 4y
yes, avoid loop scripts when possible, else you're using resources waiting for stuff to happen ComradeG1Z 31 — 4y
But if I disable it then would it still be ok for loops to be in my game User#30241 0 — 4y
And then enable when needed User#30241 0 — 4y

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