I'm trying to make a script that slowly makes it black and white over time, and it works in a regular server script.
When I try it in a local script, it doesn't work visually. The script works, as I added a print and it repeats until the saturation is -1.1.
But it just doesn't work visually. I don't understand why. Thanks for taking time to read.
local script placed in StarterPlayerScripts:
print("yes") wait(4) local thing = game.Lighting.ColorCorrection.Saturation print("no") while thing > -1.1 do print("yes") wait(.25) thing = thing -.01 end
Try cloning the ColorCorrection to workspace.CurrentCamera, and instead of workspace.CurrentCamera.ColorCorrection.Saturation, you'd have to do workspace.CurrentCamera.ColorCorrection, and replace thing with thing.Saturation.
Edit: Basically you'd have to do something like this.
local ColorCorrection = Instance.new('ColorCorrectionEffect') ColorCorrection.Parent = workspace.CurrentCamera print("yes") wait(4) print("no") while ColorCorrection.Saturation > -1.1 do print("yes") wait(.25) ColorCorrection.Saturation = ColorCorrection.Saturation -.01 end
That script creates a ColorCorrectionEffect in CurrentCamera and does what you wanted.