I'm just trying to get my "Car" moving with body force, here's the script
local CarSpeed = 5 local CarAmount = 1 local CarCanMove = true local function spawncar() local Car = game.ReplicatedStorage.Cars.Car local TempCar = Car:Clone() TempCar.Name = "TempCar" TempCar.Parent = workspace for x = 1, CarAmount, 1 do TempCar:MoveTo(Vector3.new(-0.6, 980.178, -10.6)) end end --[[local function movecar() DON'T MIND THIS PART for x = 1, CarAmount, 1 do spawn(function() local tempcar = game.Workspace.TempCar local Pos = tempcar.Primary.Position local velocity = Vector2.new(CarSpeed, 0) while CarCanMove do print(tempcar.Primary.LookVector) wait() end end) end end movecar() --]] spawncar() wait(5) local TempCar = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("TempCar") look = TempCar.Primary.CFrame.lookVector * 500000000 print(look) TempCar.Primary.BodyForce.Force = Vector3.new(look)
This is the script to just see if the car moves forward, but it's not working or moving, I doesn't have any error messages. But there is this error message which I think doesn't have to do with anything
ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxthumb://type=Asset&id=187790284&w=150&h=150