I am new to scripting, and I do not know anything!
When you are in studio click Insert at the top.. then click Advanced Objects.. Then type in 'Script' and double click it. It should spawn in only 1. :D it should also spawn in the workspace. You double click that and there you go. You can now input some code!
Here is how you would make a script with a script.
script = Instance.new("Script") script.Name = "HelloWorld" script.Parent = game.Workspace
my first script i learned to do was a kickscript, which removes the player from the game. heres how you do it:
Game.Players.TroytheDestroyer:Remove() -- change my name to the person's name that you want to remove.
now the first thing to learn about is how to create and remove things. i would suggest practicing removing and creating simple things. Like ScreenGUIs for example. but do never try to create a brick until you have more experience on scripting. The guy above taught you how to create a script. do the same thing with ScreenGUIs.
ScreenGUI = Instance.new("ScreenGUI") ScreenGUI.Name = "Insertthenamehere" -- insert the ScreenGUI's name here. do the same below. Insertthenamehere.Parent = Game.Workspace -- change to Game.StarterGUI to be better.
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