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Can a player in-game write something on an object using GUI?

Asked by 4 years ago

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So I am working for a game for a friend of mine and I script everything in his game even though I am still new to Roblox Lua but that doesn't matter so my friend asks me to create a board for a classroom of his (I am not sure why) and then he asks so a player can type on the board in-game I have been trying firstly using the surface GUI + a text box or something and also some other stuff but it's not work...can anyone help me here?

It would be helpful to know what isn't working? Ziffixture 6913 — 4y
TextLabel? iiDev_Hunt3r 64 — 4y
I highly advise you to learn the basics of Roblox Lua and have a good understanding of how things work first. There's a good chance your friend's game won't flourish if you're just starting out. Here's something that could help you I guess: AntiWorldliness 868 — 4y
Oh thanks.. abdocraft138 0 — 4y

1 answer

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Answered by
mikwbm 9
4 years ago
**Sadly thats not possible**
Not true. AntiWorldliness 868 — 4y
oh .. abdocraft138 0 — 4y

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