For example, lets say I want to pull a number from 1 - 10. That would be:
However, how would I be able to randomize a number from 1 - 10 but exclude a specific number, like 5?
make a blacklist that contains the numbers that you want to exclude, then iterate through the blacklist to check the random number
local randomNumber = math.random(1,10) local blacklist = {5,7,3} -- put numbers to exclude here local fails = {} local good = false local oof = false repeat for x = key,number in pairs(blacklist) do if randomNumber == number then -- if the random number is in blacklist table.insert(fails,false) continue end if not randomNumber == number then -- if the random number is not in blacklist continue end end if #fails == 0 then -- if the random number is not in blacklist print("Number is good!") good = true if not #fails == 0 then -- if the random number is blacklisted print("Number is bad oof") oof = true until good or oof
Don't accept this answer.
local math = setmetatable({}, {__index = math}); function math.random(a,b, blacklist) local randomInt = getmetatable(math).__index.random(a,b); if not (table.find(blacklist, randomInt)) then return randomInt; end return math.random(a,b, blacklist) end
Not to be used in excessiveness, like all random functions. Not performant either, but Jiramide will probably come and fix it for me. This is a better alternative to ProjectInfiniti's answer, so please accept his answer. He had the right idea and the right execution.
people are putting wayyy to complicated stuff
local function check(tbl, thing) for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if thing == v then return true end end end local function randomwithexclude(start, end, excluded) local timesdone = 0 local num repeat num = math.random(start, end) timesdone = timesdone + 1 until check(excluded, num) ~= true or timesdone == 500 -- returns nil if the function runs 500 times if timesdone == 200 then return nil else return num end end print(randomwithexclude(1, 10, {3, 6, 9})) -- never tested it but it must be a table with values inside
not way too sure if it works. u could replace the timesdone with something else
People are creating really complicated answers! I have two very simple solutions:
Solution 1: Reroll Until Not 5
local chosenNumber = math.random(1,10) while true do if chosenNumber == 5 then chosenNumber = math.random(1,10) else break end wait() end
This simply chooses a number between 1 and 10. If the result is 5, it will keep on rerolling until it is not 5. Once the variable "chosenNumber" is not 5, the while loop will break.
Solution 2: Random From Table
local avaliableNumbers = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10} local chosenNumber = avaliableNumbers[math.random(1, #avaliableNumbers)]
is a table that has the numbers 1-10 except for 5.
Line 2 chooses a random value from the table.