I know this is sort of a request but how has loleris made it so in TMM (The Mad Murder) under the hatch there is a brick and if you don't have the access, the brick is there, and if you do it is removed for you only and still there for others who don't? I have tried cloneing bricks to a player's PlayerGui when they join and other places so only certain player's do not see it, this is what I have but how do you do it properly:
allow = game.ServerStorage.Allow deny = game.ServerStorage.Deny Permission = {"UndiscoveredLimited","Idontcare2004","moonmim","Amy21227","funkstaducksta"} game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) for i = 1,#Permission do if p.Name == Permission[i] then a = allow:Clone() a.Parent = p.PlayerGui elseif p.Name ~= Permission[i] then d = deny:Clone() d.Parent = p.PlayerGui end end end)
I cannot answer you exactly how he does it, but if I would have to take a guess he uses what is called Local Parts. I haven't personally used local parts, but many games do. Admin doors, vip doors and tycoon owner doors are examples of what can be created with local parts. A local part is visible for some people for not for others. If I would have to guess, what Loleris does is place the brick and make it visible automatically and then runs a script to check to see if somebody has bought vip access, and if someone does, the brick would be removed for only the people that have vip. You can look more into local parts on the wiki.