I want there to be a door only certain people can get in, and I want it so there can be NO bypassing. What I want it to do is clone a door from ServerStorage if they are on the list and clone a wall if they are not. This is what I have but I never see anything cloned where I want it to be:
UPDATE Like in TMM (The Mad Murder) under the hatch, I think it needs to be cloned somewhere else so admins see something different, but where?
allow = game.ServerStorage.Allow deny = game.ServerStorage.Deny Permission = {"UndiscoveredLimited","Idontcare2004","moonmim","Amy21227","funkstaducksta"} game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) for i = 1,#Permission do if p.Name == Permission[i] then a = allow:Clone() a.Parent = p.PlayerGui -- I'm not sure where it's meant to go elseif p.Name ~= Permission[i] then d = deny:Clone() d.Parent = p.PlayerGui -- I'm not sure where it's meant to go end end end)
Is this the full script? try changing the
a = allow:Clone() a.Parent = p.PlayerGui -- I'm not sure where it's meant to go d = deny:Clone() d.Parent = p.PlayerGui -- I'm not sure where it's meant to go
allow = allow:Clone() allow.Parent = p.PlayerGui -- I'm not sure where it's meant to go deny = deny:Clone() deny.Parent = p.PlayerGui -- I'm not sure where it's meant to go
The reason I think this would work is because there is no variable called "a" or "d"