I'm trying to get it so when the player steps on the platform it displays their name any help?
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4 years ago Edited 4 years ago
So, I'm following a course because my parents said if you follow the course you can get a tutor. So I've followed this lesson. But I want to change the text label when you step on the platform the players name with show but it's not working. Here's the script:
02 | local Platform = script.Parent |
03 | local PlatformGuard = false |
04 | local mySign = game.Workspace.SurfaceGui.TextLabel |
06 | local function OnTouched(partTouched) |
07 | local character = partTouched.Parent |
08 | local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA( "Humanoid" ) |
10 | if PlatformGuard then = false then |
11 | mySign.Text = player.Name |
Now's there's an error on line 11 on the equal sign if PlatformGuard = false then it's saying add a expected identifer but I'm confused to add one because I did not think the script would need one.
Thank you for reading any help will be apecciated.