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.Changed:Connect will not work for me?

Asked by 4 years ago

I made a text label and a number value and basically what I am trying to do is make my text label's text = the number value's value, reason for I am making in game currency.. I made a script already but the .changed:connect will not work!

    textlabel.Text = Value.Value

This is a localscript placed in the startergui and the Value before the .Changed is referencing the number value itself not any of its properties.

If I remember correctly, this only looks to see if the name changes, and not if the Value itself changes zboi082007 270 — 4y
Oh really? Lemme check that out, i'll reply back if it worked out or not, Thanks! blox_develop 2 — 4y
Why don't you just update the label's text in the script when you update the number value? SteamG00B 1633 — 4y
"The Changed event fires whenever the IntValue.Value of the IntValue is changed. It will run with the new value being stored in the argument object, instead of a string representing the property being changed." ScuffedAI 435 — 4y

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