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How does math.random work?

Asked by
iLegitus 130
10 years ago

So math.random is soppost to give you a random number. But i am trying to actually control that number. ( Control as in give it A Max and Minimum ) How would i so?

2 answers

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Answered by
Nifer2 174
10 years ago

You would use it like this...

1local number = math.random(min, max) -- Just replace the min and max with numbers of your choice. Example:
3number = math.random(1, 10)
Thanks! iLegitus 130 — 10y
No problem! Nifer2 174 — 10y
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Answered by 10 years ago

math.random is a mathematical function that gives you a random number. There are two arguments in this function, m and n.

If you give no arguments and just do this in the command bar in Studio:


It returns and prints a number between 0 and 1 in the console.

If you give one argument, it returns a number between 1 and your argument (m). For example:


It returns and prints a number between 1 and 8 in the console.

If you give two arguments, it returns a number between argument 1 (m) and argument 2 (n). For example:


It returns and prints a number between 3 and 5 in the console.

Now if we use this frequently, you'll start to realise the numbers aren't usually "random" each time you start up a new game. We can use math.randomseed to make the numbers returned more random and different each time. For example, we'll put this script into Workspace and run a test server to test the script.

1math.randomseed(tick()) --Seeds the random number function by your local time.

If you run one server, it'll print a random number between 1 and 10. If you ran another server without the random seed function, you'll probably get the same number as last time. If you run another server now, you'll get a different number from last time.

Sorry if I went to in depth. If you need a more simpler explanation, check the wiki here:

Didn't see Nifer's post, sorry. :) Spongocardo 1991 — 10y

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