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Im trying to make a endless tunnel loop, how would i go about doing that?

Asked by
lopte1 -5
4 years ago

Hi, so im trying to do a game with a train in a tunnel, and I've got evrything down so far except, one thing and it's really bothering me. My train is in tunnel and I wanna make it seem like the train is moving and to do that I think I need to make a animation or something? Basically I want a endless moving tunnel. I was wondering if anyone knew how I could achieve that. Thank you in advance. I know this isn't too clear but I will be more then happy to answer any questions.

I'm confused on what you're requesting. Are you asking for a script that generates a model as the player advances or are you asking for a script that makes an animation that makes it seem as if the train is moving? TaxesArentAwesome 514 — 4y
Well see i wasn't sure it if was gonna need to be a animation or a script but yeah i wanna make it seem like the train is moving lopte1 -5 — 4y
You could make 1 tunnel part, 1 start point and 1 end point. Make the part spawn at the start, move it to the end point and when it hits end, destroy it. Train won't move. But tunnel will. You also need to time part spawning, so there would be no gaps. vovik 9 — 4y

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