When I am trying to clone a model using the script below it brings up an error saying "Position is not a valid member of model" pointing an arrow at line 4.
1 | while true do |
2 | local noob = game.ServerStorage.Noob:Clone() |
3 | noob.Parent = game.Workspace |
4 | noob.Position = Vector 3. new(- 121 , 0.5 , - 34 ) |
5 | wait( 0.2 ) |
6 | end |
Hello, SyncSim!
You can use :MoveTo()
to move a model to a certain position. Remember that your model needs to have a primary part for this to work
1 | while true do |
2 | local noob = game.ServerStorage.Noob:Clone() |
3 | noob.Parent = game.Workspace |
4 | noob:MoveTo(Vector 3. new(- 121 , 0.5 , - 34 )) |
5 | wait( 0.2 ) |
6 | end |