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How to fix elseif statement not running?

Asked by 4 years ago

I've made an if statement with an elseif statement in a while wait() loop. But only the if statement run because whenever the if statement returns false but the elseif statement returns true it doesn't run the function in the scope of the elseif statement. Here's the code. Also the function is called whenever the player presses E while near the object I set it to.

01function RequestGemConvert()
02    local Coins = 0
03    local MaximumCoins = game.ReplicatedStorage.ConvertGems:InvokeServer(0,false) -- so we would only invoke it once
05    script.Parent.GemConverter.Open.Value = true
07    script.Parent.GemConverter.Background:TweenPosition(,0,0.5,0),"Out","Quint",0.5,true)
09    script.Parent.GemConverter.Background.Add.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
10        Coins = Coins + 1          
11    end)
13    script.Parent.GemConverter.Background.Subtract.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
14        Coins = Coins - 1
15    end)
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try using leaderstats instead of Leaderstats in your script oilkas 364 — 4y
Ummm its only the name that is different. I named it Leaderstats because I don't want player's to know each other's stats DizzyGuy70 38 — 4y

3 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

The problem might be because of the case-sensitive, it's usually leaderstats not Leaderstats


so try using leaderstats not Leaderstats

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Answered by
XDvvvDX 186
4 years ago

Try "leaderstats" instead of "Leaderstats"!

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Answered by 4 years ago

Hey! Instead of making minus and plus button to add or subtract the number variable why not just add some slider GUI so the player would be less frustrated when they want to change the number variable?

OwO thank you DizzyGuy70!!!! I grabbed a slider model from the toolbox cuz idk how to make one!! thnx again dudeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DizzyGuy70 38 — 4y

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