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GUI tool giver not giving tool when player clicks TextButton?

Asked by
vocful 6
4 years ago

Goal: Player touches brick and opens a certain ScreenGUI. Then the user clicks on a TextButton to get a tool in their backpack.

Problem: The GUI (TextButton) is not giving the tool when clicked by a player.


On Touch "Brick": on touch, gives the player a certain ScreenGUI "Giver": gives a gui whenever a players touches "Brick" "Gui": the ScreenGui that shows when a player touches "Brick" (activated by 'Giver' script)

Tool Giver "Gui": the ScreenGui that shows when a player touches "Brick" (activated by 'Giver script. this is located in "Brick" with the 'Giver' script "Gui" (ScreenGui) -> "Frame" -> "TextButton" -> "Tool Giver" (local script)

Brick shows GUI on Touch

local sp = script.Parent
local db = true
local gui = script.Parent.Gui

 if hit and hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") and db then 
  db = false
  local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
  if not player.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Pop up") then 
  local newqui = gui:Clone()
  newqui.Parent = player.PlayerGui

  db = true

GUI Tool Giver (Local script)

local button = script.Parent
local tool = game.ServerStorage.ExampleTool
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

    tool:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack

Output: Script 'Players.ReasonxbIe.PlayerGui.Gui.Frame.TextButton.LocalScript', Line 2 -> local tool = game.ServerStorage.ExampleTool

Final Request: May anybody help me? I would like it so when a player touches a certain part, a ScreenGui will appear for ONLY that player. Then, the player can choose a tool by clicking the TextButton. When they click the button, they will be given the tool and the ScreenGui will close. They should be able to touch the part again and get another tool.

A local script can not access ServerStorage. DBoi941 57 — 4y
Where should I move the ExampleTool to then? vocful 6 — 4y

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

LocalScript's cannot access ServerStorage as they run on the client, not the server. It's called "ServerStorage" for a reason. Instead, put ExampleTool in ReplicatedStorage. Try this once you've done it:

local button = script.Parent
local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ExampleTool")
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

    tool:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack
Thank you so much! vocful 6 — 4y
No problem. youtubemasterWOW 2741 — 4y
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Answered by
DesertusX 435 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

LocalScripts can't access ServerStorage, so move the tool to ReplicatedStorage.

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