I am trying to move my model into a keybind door and everything should work but it says "Door is not a valid member of UnionOperation"..
https://gyazo.com/d726e2bc9d02eb399000f462d3136202 - moduleConnector in the union (door)
https://gyazo.com/740561dbdb81504ca44e4120d97cd0b6 - doorEvent in replicatedstorage
https://gyazo.com/f4e8219d15916a20f4b9a1f626e38758 - doorModule in ServerScriptService
https://gyazo.com/5b1dd38d8ec5ccc885b017ea266de439 - doorContext in StarterGui
SCRIPTS: doorModule in serverscriptservice
local main = {} main.output = {} local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local goal = { } goal.Offset = Vector3.new(5,0,0) local reset = { } reset.Offset = Vector3.new(0,0,0) local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(5) main.output.setupDoor = function(coreModel, player) if (coreModel.Position - player.Head.Position).magnitude <5 then local tween = tweenService:Create(coreModel.Door, tweenInfo, goal) tween:Play() coreModel.CanCollide = false wait(6) local revert = tweenService:Create(coreModel.Door, tweenInfo, reset) revert:Play() coreModel.CanCollide = true end end return main
moduleConnector in the Union (Door):
local module = require(game:GetService('ServerScriptService').doorModule) local doorRemote = game.ReplicatedStorage.doorEvent doorRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(client, event) if event == "Open" then local char = client.Character module.output.setupDoor(script.Parent,char) end end)
doorContext in startergui:
local input = game:GetService("UserInputService") player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = player.Character input.InputBegan:connect(function(inp) if inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then game.ReplicatedStorage.doorEvent:FireServer("Open") end end)