Here is the code
commands.kick = function(sender, arguments) print("Kick Fired By "..sender.Name) for _, playerName in pairs(arguments) do print(playerName) end local playerToKick = arguments[1] if playerToKick then local plrToK = findPlayer(playerToKick) if plrToK then game.Players. :Kick("Removed From The Server") print("Successfully Removed Player!") end end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.Chatted:Connect(function(message,recipient) if isAdmin(player) then message = string.lower(message) local splitString = message:split(" ") local slashCommand = splitString[1] local cmd = slashCommand:split(prefix) local cmdName = cmd[2] if commands[cmdName] then local arguments = {} for i = 2, #splitString, 1 do table.insert(arguments,splitString[i]) end commands[cmdName](player,arguments) end end end) end) local function findPlayer(name) for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if string.lower(player.Name) == name then return player end end return nil end local function isAdmin(player) for _, v in pairs(admins) do if v == player.Name then return true end end return false end
Figured it out