Im currently using this way of making the player undamageable, but i dont want to change the Players hp or do anything that visually stands out, any help?
humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge humanoid.Health = math.huge
humanoid.MaxHealth = "sub to creeper movie12"
If you want the player to be invincible (god mode) add this script into the humanoid:
while wait() do script.Parent.Health = script.Parent.MaxHealth end
Make sure that script is disabled. In another script, have a way to toggle it. For demonstration perposes, I'll use a part that, when it's touched, toggles god mode
script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if hum:FindFirstChild("GodModeScript") then local god = hum:FindFirstChild("GodModeScript") if god.Disabled == true then god.Disbaled = false elseif god.Disabled == false then god.Disabled = true end end end end)