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How can I convert numbers in a String to Number Values?

Asked by 9 years ago

I want users to be able to type numbers into a TextBox, and then use the Inputted numbers as number values rather than string values. How can I convert Strings into Numbers?

What I have now may work, but I realized that if the User inputs a non-numeric character the script will attempt to perform mathematics on a letter.

What I have so far:

if player.Coins.Value >= script.Parent.Parent.CoinConvert.Text then
        if script.Parent.Parent.CoinConvert.Text/25 == 1 then
            player.Coins.Value = player.Coins.Value - script.Parent.Parent.CoinConvert.Text
            player.Points.Value = player.Points.Value + (script.Parent.Parent.CoinConverter.Text/25)
--This isn't the full script, just a portion of it.
--CoinConvert is the name of the TextBox.

Also, how can I check if the Text of a TextBox is changed? I would assume that the .Changed event doesn't work, as it only works on Values.

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Answered by 9 years ago

Use the tonumber function.

tonumber() accepts one argument, the string you want to convert, and returns the number value. However, it will return nil if you don't give a string that is solely just numerals.

For example-

x = "Hello"

y = tonumber(x) + 1


Would return an error when you try to compare tonumber(x) to 1, because tonumber(x) is nil, and you can't compare nil with a value.

With the correct usage:

x = "123"

y = tonumber(x) + 1


... would print 124, as we wrote in the script.


I hope you found this useful!

(also, you can do the exact opposite with the tostring function, which turns any value other than nil into a string)

Thanks! SlickPwner 534 — 9y

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