So, i created a script using ContextActionService; ContextActionService is a service similar to UserInputService, but has buttons that work on iphones, and ipads.
What I'm trying to achieve is when i'm close to the block it shows the button, that i mentioned earlier and when you press it, it triggers the function.
My problem is that it's firing the function even though i have not pressed the button yet. Advanced help needed.
If you want to please do, since i have a problem with procrastinating.
Here's the script:
local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService") local AggroMag = 100 wait(2) local Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character local Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local Part = game.Workspace.Part local function OnPress() Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random() end while true do wait(1) if (Torso.Position - Part.Position).magnitude <= AggroMag then ContextActionService:BindAction("turnBrickYellow", OnPress, true, "t") ContextActionService:SetPosition("turnBrickYellow",,-25,0.20,-25)) else ContextActionService:UnbindAction("turnBrickYellow") end end
well you are not looping the while true do when you say that you would need to put a wait() at the end of the loop
while true do wait(1) if (Torso.Position - Part.Position).magnitude <= AggroMag then ContextActionService:BindAction("turnBrickYellow", OnPress, true, "t") ContextActionService:SetPosition("turnBrickYellow",,-25,0.20,-25)) else ContextActionService:UnbindAction("turnBrickYellow") end wait(0.5) end
or you could try to make the magnitude as a variable and then make it
if variableName < AggroMag then end
if not, let me know