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Character won't freeze till gui is gone?

Asked by 4 years ago

local Play = script.Parent.Content.Pages.Play -- Play button local Store = script.Parent.Content.Pages.Store -- Store button local Teamchanger = script.Parent.Content.Pages["Team Changer"] -- Team Changer button local Credits = script.Parent.Content.Pages.Credits -- Credits button local Player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent

if Player.Character then Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 end

Play.MouseButton1Down:connect( function() script.Parent.Content.Visible = false script.Parent.Background.Visible = false end ) Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16

It's supposed to make the character freeze till he presses on play but my code isn't working

Please ensure your code in a code block. It makes it very hard to read it. JesseSong 3916 — 4y

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