Here is the Portion of the script I dont know will work, Because I dont know how to make it to where if someone is in a table kick them on join.
if msg:sub(1,4) == "ban " then vic = msg:sub(1,9) m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = (vic.Name.."Has Been Banned") wait(BanTime) m:Destroy() table.insert(vic, bans) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(vic) if vic.Humanoid.Health == 100 then vic:Kick() end end) end
full script
admins = {"amegaman"} bans = {""} Time = 15 BanTime = 15 for i,v in pairs(IsAdmin) do return wait(Time) end if msg:sub(1,4) == "msg " then m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = (Player.Name.."Says"..Player.Chatted) wait(Time) m:Destroy() end if msg:sub(1,4) == "ban " then vic = msg:sub(1,9) m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = (vic.Name.."Has Been Banned") wait(BanTime) m:Destroy() table.insert(vic, bans) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(vic) if vic.Humanoid.Health == 100 then vic:Kick() end end) end
Have you tried it yet?
admins = {"amegaman"} bans = {""} Time = 15 BanTime = 15 --[[for i,v in pairs(IsAdmin) do return wait(Time) end]] --This code doesn't appear to do anything. What's its purpose? Game.Player.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) -- There are a lot of edits in this, please ask if you don't understand any of them. wait() -- So that the Player has a chance to load fully, before kicking them if they are banned. for _, v in ipairs(bans) do if v == plr.Name then plr:Kick() end for _, v in ipairs(admins) do if v == plr.Name then plr.Chatter:connect(function(msg) msg = msg:lower() --small scrubbing, makes it easier to compare stuff if msg:sub(1,4) == "msg " then m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = plr.Name .. "Says" .. msg:sub(5) wait(Time) m:Destroy() end if msg:sub(1,4) == "ban " then vic = Game.Players:FindFirstChild(msg:sub(5)) if vic then m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = (vic.Name .. "Has Been Banned") wait(BanTime) m:Destroy() table.insert(bans, vic.Name) vic:Kick() end end end) break end end end)