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Why won't this script work?

Asked by 10 years ago

This script won't work! Could someone please help me!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NumPlayers = game.Players.NumPlayers m ="Message") local i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 local players = game.Players:GetChildren()

if NumPlayers > 1 then -- What you had it set up.. It would only work only if it generated a 1. num = math.random(1,2) if num==1 then-- Map 1 m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Choosing Map..." wait(3) m.Text = "Map is 'The Classic Map', made by Anth4598" wait(3) m.Text = "This was the first map ever made for Blitz" wait(3) m.Text = "The Blitz will keep going until only 1 person remains.(goes for 30 seconds in beta)" wait(3) m.Text = "The weapon chosen is a sword." m.Parent = nil game.Lighting.Map1:clone().Parent = game.Workspace
for i = 1, # players do players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 9.8, -4)) game.Lighting.LinkedSword:clone().Parent = players[i].Backpack end wait(30) players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 5.6, 27)) game.Workspace.Map1:Remove() m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Blitz over!" wait(3) m.Text = "You have 1 minute until the start of the next Blitz." wait(3) m.Parent = nil m:remove() end if num==2 then m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Choosing Map..." wait(3) m.Text = "Map is 'The Classic Map', made by Anth4598" wait(3) m.Text = "This was the first map ever made for Blitz" wait(3) m.Text = "The Blitz will keep going until only 1 person remains.(goes for 30 seconds in beta)" wait(3) m.Text = "The weapon chosen is a Superball." m.Parent = nil game.Lighting.Map1:clone().Parent = game.Workspace
for i = 1, # players do players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 9.8, -4)) game.Lighting.Superball:clone().Parent = players[i].Backpack end wait(30) players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 5.6, 27)) game.Workspace.Map1:Remove() m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Blitz over!" wait(3) m.Text = "You have 1 minute until the start of the next Blitz." wait(3) m.Parent = nil m:remove() end

else -- This below will make it so the script shouldn't break if there is less then 2 players. m.Text = "Need more then 1 player to start!" wait(5) m:Destroy() end

wait(1) until i >= 10000 m.text("This server is shutting down for an update") for _, v in ipairs(Game.Players:GetPlayers()) do v:Kick() end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please explain what happens when you try to run the script and where the script is located. gskw 1046 — 10y
Format your code with the Code Block button please. Ekkoh 635 — 10y
What Ekkoh said. I can't help what I can't read. NoahWillCode 370 — 10y
Sorry, I thought I pressed the button... must've glitched or something. I'll re-post today. Antharaziia 75 — 10y

1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago
NumPlayers = game.Players.NumPlayers m ="Message") local i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 local players = game.Players:GetChildren()

if NumPlayers > 1 then -- What you had it set up.. It would only work only if it generated a 1. num = math.random(1,2) if num==1 then-- Map 1 m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Choosing Map..." wait(3) m.Text = "Map is 'The Classic Map', made by Anth4598" wait(3) m.Text = "This was the first map ever made for Blitz" wait(3) m.Text = "The Blitz will keep going until only 1 person remains.(goes for 30 seconds in beta)" wait(3) m.Text = "The weapon chosen is a sword." m.Parent = nil game.Lighting.Map1:clone().Parent = game.Workspace
for i = 1, # players do players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 9.8, -4)) game.Lighting.LinkedSword:clone().Parent = players[i].Backpack end wait(30) players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 5.6, 27)) game.Workspace.Map1:Remove() m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Blitz over!" wait(3) m.Text = "You have 1 minute until the start of the next Blitz." wait(3) m.Parent = nil m:remove() end if num==2 then m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Choosing Map..." wait(3) m.Text = "Map is 'The Classic Map', made by Anth4598" wait(3) m.Text = "This was the first map ever made for Blitz" wait(3) m.Text = "The Blitz will keep going until only 1 person remains.(goes for 30 seconds in beta)" wait(3) m.Text = "The weapon chosen is a Superball." m.Parent = nil game.Lighting.Map1:clone().Parent = game.Workspace
for i = 1, # players do players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 9.8, -4)) game.Lighting.Superball:clone().Parent = players[i].Backpack end wait(30) players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 5.6, 27)) game.Workspace.Map1:Remove() m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Blitz over!" wait(3) m.Text = "You have 1 minute until the start of the next Blitz." wait(3) m.Parent = nil m:remove() end

else -- This below will make it so the script shouldn't break if there is less then 2 players. m.Text = "Need more then 1 player to start!" wait(5) m:Destroy() end

wait(1) until i >= 10000 m.text("This server is shutting down for an update") for _, v in ipairs(Game.Players:GetPlayers()) do v:Kick() end

Here is formatted version so people can answer it. I don't know the answer, this is just the formatted version.


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