So,I was making a chat log added event so I can find if a new value has been added to the table named ChatLog but for some reason Line 18 doesn't seem to work when a player chats twice but it works in the first time a player chats.Why and how would I fix it so it can work when a player chats twice?
I'm using the server console in my place to test it out.
ChatLog = {} --------------------Vairbles---------------------------- NewChatAdded = script.NewChatAdded--Bindable Event AmountOfChats = 0 ------------------Functions----------------------------- function ChatLogInsert(String) table.insert(ChatLog,String) return String end ----------------------Events---------------------------- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)---ChatAddedEvent Player.Chatted:connect(function(Chat) AmountOfChatsNow = #ChatLog --Kinda like tick() NewChatAdded.Event:connect(function() PlayerSaid = ChatLogInsert(Chat) AmountOfChats = #ChatLog-- now lets record and hopefully see of there should be a diffrence NumberOfNewChats = math.floor(AmountOfChatsNow - AmountOfChats)--Find the diffrence by subtracting if NumberOfNewChats > 0 then print(Player.Name," had said ",PlayerSaid) else print(NumberOfNewChats) end end) end) end) --------------------------------------------------------- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) Player.Chatted:wait() NewChatAdded:Fire() end)