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I'm making my own inventory system, player can't unequip tools properly?

Asked by 4 years ago

I'm replacing roblox's inventory system with my custom made one and eveything is working out great except the problem is if you have a tool and you unequip the same key coordinated to that tool, you can't unequip that tool.

My system is where I have a full table list of what the player has in their backpack, and whenever the player presses a certain key, it converts that to a number that can index whatever tool inside of the player's backpack.

Here's the full script that makes up the inventory system:

-- // Services \\ -- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players") -- // Variables \\ -- local Player = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local Backpack = Player.Backpack -- Actual backpack containing what the gear the player has local BackpackChildren = Backpack:GetChildren() local Copy = BackpackChildren -- // Tables & Statements \\ -- local KeyToNumber = { ["One"] = 1, ["Two"] = 2, ["Three"] = 3, ["Four"] = 4, ["Five"] = 5, ["Six"] = 6, ["Seven"] = 7, ["Eight"] = 8, ["Nine"] = 9, ["Zero"] = 0 } -- // Functions \\ -- local function GetToolIndex(Tool, BackpackItems) for i,v in pairs(BackpackItems) do if v == Tool then return i end end end local function EquipTool(Index) if not Humanoid:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") then -- if theres no tool equipped local Tool = BackpackChildren[Index] if Tool then Humanoid:EquipTool(Tool) return true end end return false -- if theres a tool equipped end local function UnequipTool(Index) -- we know there's a tool equipped Humanoid:UnequipTools() -- Humanoid:EquipTool(BackpackChildren[Index]) end local function InputStarted(Input, GameProcessedEvent) local Conversion = KeyToNumber[Input.KeyCode.Name] if Conversion then if not EquipTool(Conversion) then UnequipTool() -- if there is a tool equipped, we would want to unequip it end end end -- // Events \\ -- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(InputStarted)

If you would like a hands-on experience to what I'm saying, here's the link tot the place that showcases the system:

Use the system like how you would normally use for roblox's inventory system.

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