local players = Game.Players:GetPlayers() for key = 1, #players do local value = players[key] value.Backpack:ClearAllChildren() end
It works, but if the player has an item equipped then that item dosent go with them. In their backpack in explorer it says they have nothing, but they still have the item in their inventory
This is because when a player has an item equipped then it goes into their Character value. You'll have to flush out all tools / hoppebins out of the backpack and character.
c = game.Players:GetPlayers() for i = 1,#c do c[i].Backpack:ClearAllChildren() cc == c[i].Character:GetChildren() for ii == 1,#cc do if cc[ii]:IsA("Tool") or if cc[ii]:IsA("Hopperbin") then cc[ii]:Destroy() end end end