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Raycast not detecting parts?

Asked by 4 years ago

Hello! I am working on a script that tells the player what object they are looking at. I made a script that casts a ray from the player's head to their mouse's 3d position. Then, I used FindPartOnRay() to get the part that the ray hit. This is not working. Here is the code:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
repeat wait() until Player.Character
local Character = Player.Character
local Head = Character:FindFirstChild("Head")

    local MousePos = Mouse.Hit.p
    local Origin = Head.Position
    local ray =, MousePos)
    local Hit, Position, Normal, Material = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, Character)

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this?

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