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Idle Animation Isn't Stopping?

Asked by 5 years ago

I'm scripting a trumpet tool that has a idle animation but when i equip the tool and unequipped it the animation doesn't stop, the animations plays and everything its just when i unequip the tool the idle animation doesn't stop? pls help

here's the script local Tool = script.Parent

local Handle = Tool:WaitForChild('Handle') local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild('Humanoid')

local Idle = 'rbxassetid://2992670514' local Toot = 'rbxassetid://2992700535'

local Debounce = 1

local Unequipped = true

local AnimTrack

Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Unequipped = false if Unequipped == false then local Animation ='Animation') Animation.AnimationId = Idle local LoadAnimation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) LoadAnimation:Play() end end)

Tool.Activated:Connect(function() if Debounce == 1 then local Animation ='Animation') Animation.AnimationId = Toot local LoadAnimation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) LoadAnimation:Play() Debounce = 2 wait(3) Debounce = 1 end end)

Tool.Deactivated:Connect(function() if Debounce == 1 then local Animation ='Animation') Animation.AnimationId = Idle local LoadAnimation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) LoadAnimation:Play() end end)

Tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() local Animation ='Animation') Animation.AnimationId = Idle and Toot local LoadAnimation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) LoadAnimation:Stop() end)

Please use code blocks. namespace25 594 — 5y
Is your animation set to 'Idle'? LordTechet 53 — 5y

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