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How do i make the camera track to the head wehn i ragdoll like in the game Broken Bones? [closed]

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

So basically when I do a ragdoll script the camera even in first person the camera just keeps on looking as if it were in first person instead of following the head as if it had eyes, just like in the game broken bones, when you fall of the cliff and go in first person it stays first person no mater how much the head flings around. not much scripting experience, but I know about variables and camera types. im looking for a script, not a "Lock it in first person" kind of thing cause it dosent help

get the camera from a localscript workspace.CurrentCamera then set the camera subject to the head camera.CameraSubject = Head GoldAngelInDisguise 297 — 5y

Closed as Not Constructive by DinozCreates, Gey4Jesus69, c0des, zblox164, and green271

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