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Any idea how to remove players from table?

Asked by 5 years ago

So its a hunger games kinda like script. It has a working District system etc. its very simple for now.

I have a 10 second round time for testing purposes and i know how to check how many Players are left in the table.

How would i make "leave/Death" Script which removes the Players who leaves/dies from the table? Its kinda hard to understand this script ( atleast it was for me until now) but i would appreacite if somebody could help me out <3

I tried to do an Leave/Death script but its not working out.. here:

--Side Note, i dont even know if i use the correct Variables like _G.Districts (Also this is in a diffrent script). game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- Death Script player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function() local Update = {} for i, v in pairs(_G.Districts) do if v ~= player.Name then table.insert(Update,1,v) end end _G.Districts = Update end) end) end) game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) --Leave Script local Update = {} for i, v in pairs(_G.Districts) do if v ~= player.Name then table.insert(Update,1,v) end end _G.Districts = Update end)

Here is the Main Script

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Remotes = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Remotes")
    local Names = Remotes:WaitForChild("Names")
    local Round = Remotes:WaitForChild("Round")

local Tributspawn = workspace:WaitForChild("Tribut")

    function Shuffle(Table)         --This function is for some math stuff regarding the District System
    local Size = (#Table)
    for i = Size, 1, -1 do
        local RandomObject =, Size)
        Table[i], Table[RandomObject] = Table[RandomObject], Table[i]
    return Table

while true do
    _G.Districts = {}       
local Players = (Shuffle(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()))

for i = (1),(math.ceil(#Players/2)) do
    _G.Districts[#_G.Districts + 1] = {}

for Player = (1),(#Players) do
    local DesiredDistrict = (math.ceil(Player/2))
    table.insert(_G.Districts[DesiredDistrict], Players[Player])
Names:FireAllClients(DesiredDistrict,Players[Player])       --This is for a Gui which pops up and shows the Playername , Playerdistrict and the Character Image (ignore it)
    print("Round starts")
        for t = 10,0,-1 do
            print(#Players) --To see how many Players are in the round
            if #Players == 0 then   --Still has no point to be here until there is no working death/leave script. But if the script is there its then there to check if it works
            print("Everybody died")
unless im miss understanding can't you use table.remove()? the8bitdude11 358 — 5y
Its not that easy. If it was that easy i wouldt ask here but i guess nobody can solve this :/ Paintertable 171 — 5y

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