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What is Vector3:Dot, :Cross, .Unit, and .Magnitude?

Asked by 5 years ago

I was learning Vector3s, and I found the following:





I don't understand what the wiki article says. What is a cross product, scalar dot product, and normalized copy of the vector, which has the same direction as the original but a magnitude of 1? And how are they useful? I only know (Vector3 - Vector3).magnitude, so what is Vector3.Magnitude?

Vector3.Magnitude returns the length of the vector, or distance from the origin (0, 0, 0) Vector3.Unit returns a normalized copy of the vector with its magnitude as 1. This will return the vector's direction . Don:t know much about the cross and dot product, but you'll find some info on the internet or yt Rare_tendo 3000 — 5y

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