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Part with particle effects only visible to the player that summons it?

Asked by 5 years ago

So i have a local script witch summons a part(transparent) with some particle effects that makes it look like fire and another script in that part witch does the damage. The script creates a clone from replicatedStorage when mouse is clicked. It does appear how it's supposed to, but only in solo test. In any other sort of testing(local server,team test,game test) it's only visible by the player that casts it. Not even by the server itself, and the damage does not work. Is this a glitch or is there something wrong in my code?? Thanks in advance!

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local flame = game.Workspace.Amaterasu local db = false

local timeout = 20

Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() db = true while timeout > 0 do local flameCOPY = flame:Clone() flameCOPY.Parent = game.Workspace flameCOPY.CFrame = Mouse.Hit flameCOPY.Name = "Amaterasu2" flameCOPY.Position = game.Workspace["Boogy man"].Position
timeout = timeout - 1 wait(0.1)
end timeout = 20 end)

FE game User#17685 0 — 5y
Heya! I have the same Problem! And my solution that fixed it is: At first I tried fixing it with Remote Event(It worked!). But there are some scripts in my game that doesn't require a Remote Event so the only solution I had (no joke) is that I created a bunch of other places, and kept transferring files until I found a place that made the script worked. I also posted a question like this sadly, no naturewizard 85 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
Launderer 343 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

need to use a remote event to make it work on the server.

Thank you, I totaly forgot my game was FE lol. You and roblor12 saved me hahahah. tonije123 9 — 5y
This should be a comment. User#19524 175 — 5y

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