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exception while signaling: InsertService cannot be used to load assets from the client? [closed]

Asked by 6 years ago

exception while signaling: InsertService cannot be used to load assets from the client what do this mean

Closed as Non-Descriptive by oreoollie, amanda, and User#19524

This question has been closed because its title or content does not adequately describe the problem you are trying to solve.
Please ensure that your question pertains to your actual problem, rather than your attempted solution. That is, you were trying to solve problem X, and you thought solution Y would work, but instead of asking about X when you ran into trouble, you asked about Y.

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1 answer

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Answered by
oreoollie 649 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

It mean's exactly what it says. You can not use InsertService on the client (in a localscript). You must use remote events to ask the server to pass a Instance of it to the client.
