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Is there an enum equivalent to tonumber() ?

Asked by 5 years ago

You can use tonumber("1") and it'll return 1, is there a similar function for enums?

I want to save some Enums in StringValues, so I'd need a function sorta like toEnum("Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl") and have it return Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl, instead of the string version.

I COULD just save "LeftControl" in the StringValue and do "Enum.KeyCode[StringValue.Value]", but I'd prefer to save the whole Enum thing in there to avoid any possible confusion, thanks in advance!

3 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited by RubenKan 5 years ago

This is a hacky way and I would not recommend this. If you want to though then here's a solution.

function toEnum(s)
   local t = {}
   if not s:match("^Enum") then -- if not an enum then stop the function 
   for match in s:gmatch("[^%.]+") do
      table.insert(t, match) --[[
          split the string into different parts e.g 
          {"Enum", "KeyCode", "LeftControl"}
   local function recurse(p, ...) --loop through table elements and index each recursively 
      if getfenv()[p] then --grab the Enum global
         p = getfenv()[p]
      if select('#', ...) > 1 then --if there is still something to be indexed
         return recurse(p[...], select('2', ...))
         return p[...] -- when it is done looping, return the final value
   local ret = recurse(unpack(t))
   return ret 
Yes. Incredibly hacky. Don't do this. Link150 1355 — 5y
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Answered by
Link150 1355 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Here's my solution, since the others' are hacky or otherwise unnecessarily complicated.

local function toEnum(str)
    local enum = Enum

    str = str:gsub("^Enum.", "")

    for part in str:gmatch("[^.]+") do
        enum = enum[part]

    return enum

Note that the "Enum." prefix will be optional.

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

In its raw form an Enum is just a value but this will get very confussing for programmers if we do not assign meaning to what the value is.

An Enum is an object containing three pieces of information Name, Value and EnumType. More imformation can be found here.

In your case we can use the name if you build a key value pair with the Enum itself being the value.


local keyNames = {} -- store the keyName = Enum
for _, key in pairs(Enum.KeyCode:GetEnumItems()) do -- gets the list of enums for keys
    keyNames[key.Name] = key  -- map key name to the enum


Hope this helps.

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