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is the print thing helpfull? Like does it do some thing? example: print("Hello")

Asked by 5 years ago

Hi! I am a NEW scripter and i want to learn how to scripting.Can u answer my question?

3 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

It creates a message to the output and the developer console, which you can read from either of those. The developer console is accessed with F9.

E.G. if you do

print("Hello world!") -- this is the code that you always see when you create a script

you will get in the developer console what is shown in the following link:

Click here to see what u get in dev console

This is helpful for when you need to debug a script that's not working properly and need help pointing yourself in the right direction.

don't you dare not accept this if it's helpful
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Answered by 5 years ago

The print function is extremely helpful. It's like your flashlight in a dark room. Without it you'll bump into things, stub your toes, walk into a wall, etc...

In short, programming is painful without a print. You can do things like

print("Script ran through here. All good.")
print("Script ran through here. Not good.")
print("What is this? " .. part)

for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do
    print("What is child? " .. child)
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Answered by
vkax 85
5 years ago

It's basically like the things that see if one function goes about and is able to do it's thing. For example:

if workspace.Baseplate then
print'there is a baseplate'

That kind of thing, it's easy once you understand it :)

Anyways, hmu on Roblox if you want to learn code, my ign is trycode.

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