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My leaderboard won't show up in Studio, but my friends does?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago
local leveldata = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("level")
local EXPdata = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("EXP")
local xpLeveldata = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("xpLevel")
local Golddata = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Gold")
local toolsdata = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Tools")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

--Data Storage Save
function savedata(dataname, playerid, value)
    game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(dataname):SetAsync(playerid, value)

--Leaderboard applications
    playerKey = "user."..player.userId  -- user key

    local leaderstats ="Folder")
    leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
    leaderstats.Parent = player

    local gold ="IntValue")
    gold.Name = "Gold"
    gold.Value = Golddata:GetAsync(playerKey) or 0
    gold.Parent = leaderstats

Sorry for the huge block of code, but we are stumped on why it will show up for him (he is the creator). We used to have the leaderboard working, but then we added the data store in, and now I can't even see the leaderboard... So there is the problem, but we can't find where. Also, everything works in the actual game, but it makes it a pain for testing. Please help!

This is the error I get btw: 502: API Services rejected request with error: HTTP 0 (HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden))

Are you going over the "Per Place Limit"? CPF2 406 — 6y
I don't believe so. XxpooponmyfacexX 9 — 6y

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