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Custom Walk Animation Not Working?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

I'm trying to make a custom walking animation for a custom r15 character, this is the animation: [] When I replace my ID with the default walking animation ID, it doesn't work. The default animation still plays instead of mine. I followed the steps in this video [] but it it's not working. How do I fix this?

If you followed all of this it should work. AyeJude 41 — 6y
Make sure you copy the animate script from your character when you press play, and make sure you also edit the script inside, to the code of your animation. Put the animate script in the character folder. If it still dosent work make a quick video showing where you have edited and put things. I am sure I can help. AyeJude 41 — 6y
lol, I found the issue. For some reason i needed to change the animation ID to run instead of walk MrMetal13 19 — 6y

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Answered by
Launderer 343 Moderation Voter
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Try making a script in Starterpack like this.

local player = script.Parent.Parent
local char = Player.Character

char.Animate.walk.WalkAnim.AnimationId = ""

It might need waitforchild put on it, but it should work.

doesn't work. MrMetal13 19 — 6y
change it to char:WaitForChild("Animate").walk.WalkAnim.AnimationId = "" Launderer 343 — 6y

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