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Model Won't stay in place?[SLOVED]

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

I trying to make a lightning bolt appear(which it does), but it won't stay in place with the enemy. This is FE and Server Script

local function lighting(player, enemy, damage) print(enemy.Name) print(damage) local bc = game.ReplicatedStorage.AbilityModels.LightningBolt:Clone() bc.Parent = workspace.Ignore bc.Zap:Play() local random = math.random(0,100) local eh = enemy:WaitForChild("Resources").Health.Health eh.Value = eh.Value - damage repeat print("Placing LightningBolt") bc.Main.CFrame = enemy:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame *,6,0)*CFrame.Angles(0,random,.2) until wait(.5) bc:Destroy() end game.ReplicatedStorage.AbilityEvents.LightningEvent.OnServerEvent:connect(lighting)
SLOVED cornman601 59 — 6y

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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

You go to the Model then you find Anchor then when you `Anchor' it test it out, it won't fall or move. I hope!

Your welcome have a great day! If this didn't work then please, respond!

No the Anchor didn't work. cornman601 59 — 6y
Oh sorry. I tried. ZAZC_Noob 7 — 6y

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