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Trello API HTTP 401 (HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized) error?

Asked by 6 years ago

Before i start i would like it state that HttpEnabled is Enabled.

Wasn't sure why it wasn't working here is what i got:

-- My Line Of Code local TrelloAPI = require(script.Parent.TrelloAPI) local DateHandler = require(script.Parent.DateHandler) TrelloAPI:CreateBoard(tostring(game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name),'Created : '..DateHandler:GetDate(),"public") -- How it should be layedout CreateBoard(Name,[Optional]desc,["private","public"]) returns the information about a board and creates a board

You may have to press view source to see the full length of script for some reason there are parts that are missing in the default window.

If you need the two modules here are there sources:


local Main = {} Main.GetDate = function() local t = tick() local months = { -- {"MONTH", TOAL DAYS TO YEAR, DAYS} <- Format {"January",31,31}; {"February",59,28}; {"March",90,31}; {"April",120,30}; {"May",151,31}; {"June",181,30}; {"July",212,31}; {"August",243,31}; {"September",273,30}; {"October",304,31}; {"November",334,30}; {"December",365,31}; } local year = math.floor(1970+(t/31579200)) if ((year%4) == 0) then -- Check for leap year months[2][3] = 29 for i,v in pairs(months) do if (i ~= 1) then v[2] = (v[2]+1) end end end local day = math.floor(((t/86400)%365.25)+1) -- Get current day of the year. Starts at 0, so 1 is added (365.25 is the average # of days in a year due to leap year) for i,m in pairs(months) do if ((m[2]-m[3]) <= day) then -- Get month based on day month = i end end local m = months[month] day = (day+m[3]-m[2]) -- Get day of the month year,day = tostring(year),tostring(day) local c,s = ", "," " -- Comma, space return (months[month][1] .. s .. day .. c .. year) end Main.getTime = function() local t = tick() local sec = math.floor((t%60)) -- Sec, Min, and Hour equations I actually got off of Google. Everything else was written by me local min = math.floor((t/60)%60) local hour = math.floor((t/3600)%24) sec = tostring((sec < 10 and "0" or "") .. sec) min = tostring((min < 10 and "0" or "") .. min) local tag = (Type == 0 and (hour < 12 and "AM" or "PM") or "") hour = ((Type == 1 and hour < 10 and "0" or "") .. tostring(Type == 0 and (hour == 0 and 12 or hour > 12 and (hour-12) or hour) or hour)) -- Ternary operators FTW. Helps get rid of 'if then' stuff. Actually learned this off of Java programming: z = (x == y ? "Yes" : "No") local c,s = ":",(Type == 0 and " " or "") -- Colon, (space if 12 hr clock) return (hour .. c .. min .. (Sec and c .. sec or "") .. s .. tag) end return Main


couldn't add it but you can grab a copy from :

Do you understand how to set up communications on Trellos end? Bellyrium 310 — 6y
yes advancedev 70 — 6y

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Answered by 6 years ago

nvm figured it out i the creator of the trello api for got to have the format as


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