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How to fix this Cframe script? Move it to position rather than studs?

Asked by 6 years ago


So some before created this script and I wanted to know if there was a quick fix to my issue. Right now, the script is set to move a certain about of studs. Is there anyway to making this script so that it move to another bricks position? I.E If part A is located at (0,3,0) have Part B move to there? Thanks, Anthony

local detector = game.Workspace.Part.ClickDetector; -- Variable for the ClickDetector
local tween_service = game:GetService("TweenService") -- Variable for the TweenService
local curtain = workspace:WaitForChild("Curtain"); -- Variable for the Curtain
local old_pos = curtain.CFrame; -- Variable for the Curtain's CFrame that we will be position the Curtain by.
local first = false; -- Variable to keep track of whether the part's supposed to go up or down.
local info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut); -- The TweenInfo. The part will take 2 seconds to reach either up or down in a perfect situation. It's going to move linearly.
local y = 50; -- Variable for the amount of studs the part will go up.
local cframe; -- Variable for the CFrame that the part will need to reach.

function move_part() -- Declaration of the function that will later be connected with the detector's MouseClick() event.
    if first == false then -- Checks if it's the first click of the user.
        first = true; -- Sets the 'first' variable to true since it is the first click.
        cframe = old_pos *, 0, 0) -- Sets the CFrame the part will need to reach. (In this case straight up relative to the Curtain's old position.
    else -- If it's not the first click then it will go here.
        first = false; -- Sets the 'first' variable back to false since it's the second click.
        cframe = old_pos; -- Sets the CFrame back to it's initial position so that it can go back to where it started from.
    end -- end for the if statement to check if it's the first click or second click.

    local goal = {CFrame = cframe}; -- Variable for the goal now that we know what CFrame the part will need to go to.

    local tween = tween_service:Create(curtain, info, goal); -- The whole tween of the Curtain, including the instance, info and goal the part is trying to reach.

    tween:Play(); -- Plays the Tween animation on the part
end -- end for the function.

detector.MouseClick:Connect(move_part); -- Connects the function to the MouseClick() event of the ClickDetector.

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Answered by 6 years ago


Yes, there is a way. In your original script, the "cframe" variable refers to CFrame coordinates, but to change it to the position of a part, just do [parthere].CFrame!

I labelled PartB as the part that you want the curtain to move to. The variable is then put as "cframe = PartB.CFrame" so the curtain will go to that part's position while playing the tween.

local detector = game.Workspace.Part.ClickDetector;
local tween_service = game:GetService("TweenService")
local curtain = workspace:WaitForChild("Curtain");
local old_pos = curtain.CFrame;
local first = false;
local info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut);
local y = 50;
local cframe;

local PartB = part --Identify the part you want the curtain to move to.

function move_part()
    if first == false then
        first = true;
        cframe = PartB.CFrame --The cframe goal for the curtain.
        first = false;
        cframe = old_pos;
    local goal = {CFrame = cframe};
    local tween = tween_service:Create(curtain, info, goal);


Click "Accept Answer" if this was what you were looking for! Comment if you have any more concerns!

Thank you! One more question. What would be the best way to Cframe a model? What I mean is make it so that everything in the model moves not just the one part. Thanks! MisterThackeryBinx 29 — 6y

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