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Making an accurate fade script work only on wait time and not when the character dies and respawns?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

*This is a script to make a gui object (frame) fade in their transparency very smoothly, smoother than a simple loop.

.....But the kicker is that the fade only works when your player dies or respawns. When the player dies the screen fades into a black frame, when the player respawns the black frame fades away.

I want it work so It works only on wait time and not on humnoid.died function.

I want It to control this script on will is what i'm saying instead of it being activated only when the player character dies.

--potatoboy99990 was able to to explain how this script works perfectly, but the next step is I to find out a way, which I do not know to how, to reverse engineer this script so it'll work on wait time.

fade = script.Parent --The gui
fadeGoal = 0 -- What the transparency should end at. This is 0 so it is fading in.
fadeRate = 0.05 -- How fast it should fade

function updateFade()
    local current = fade.BackgroundTransparency --The background
    if current < fadeGoal then --If the current transparency is smaller that the the goal
        fade.BackgroundTransparency = math.min(fadeGoal,current+fadeRate) -- If true add the current transparency from the fade rate 
    elseif current > fadeGoal then 
        fade.BackgroundTransparency = math.max(fadeGoal,current-fadeRate) --If true subtract the current transparency from the fade rate 
        fade.BackgroundTransparency = fadeGoal -- if the transparency is equel to or bigger than goal sets transparency to goal

player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait()
humanoid = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
rs = game:GetService("RunService")

fadeGoal = 1

humanoid.Died:connect(function () --Screen fades smoothly into a black frame when the player character dies.
    fadeGoal = 0
    player.CharacterAdded:wait() --The black frame fades away smoothly when the player character respawns. 
    fadeGoal = 1


fade.Visible = true

My first attempt at reverse engineering. Somebody please throw this into a localscript of an imagelabel in studio and see why it doesn't work.

local fade = script.Parent
local ChangeRate = 0.01
local ChangeGoal = 0

function updateFade()
    local current = frame.ImageTransparency
    if current < FadeGoal then
        fade.ImageTransparency = math.min(ChangeGoal,current+ChangeRate)
    elseif current > FadeGoal then
        fade.ImageTransparency = math.max(ChangeGoal,current-ChangeRate)
        fade.ImageTransparency = ChangeGoal

while true do --For some reason the FadeGoal only activates with a coroutine and not with a while do loop, but why?
ChangeGoal = 1
ChangeGoal = 0



fade.Visible = true


What exactly are you trying to do sorry? I understand that you're trying to make something fade in/out but what do you mean by the dying bit?? Do you mean when a player joins the game, it waits and then makes something fade? Foreshadowed_Dawn 4 — 7y
Writing an answer fireboltofdeathalt 118 — 7y
Actually I can't figure out the issue. There's a lot of stuff. A few tips though. "frame" is nil, you should of put 'fade' updateFade never got called since it was put after an infinite loop. fireboltofdeathalt 118 — 7y

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