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How do I make a character move with a moving platform?

Asked by 8 years ago

Right before I was about to post a question on why this script wasn't working, I changed an addition to subtraction and viola!

Anyways as the question name suggests, how or what do I have to put into this code to make the character move along with the block.

Does it involve CFraming the player along with their position?

local Part = script.Parent -- this is the Part we will move
local start = script.Parent.Start.Value
local finish = script.Parent.Finish.Value
local Time = 5 -- the time that the script will take to move the part
local Increment = 0.1 -- the Part will move 0.1 studs each time it moves
local Debounce = false

local Diff = finish - Part.Position -- the difference between the two positions
local Mag = Diff.magnitude -- the distance between the two parts
local Direction =, finish).lookVector

--local Diff2 = start - Part.Position --All of this became useless once I fixed my code
--local Mag2 = Diff2.magnitude --I'll keep it for reference
--local Dir2 =, start).lookVector -- and to shame myself eternally
function MovePart() -- function to move the Part
    if Debounce then return end -- end the function if debounce is true
    Debounce = true -- make Debounce true so the function can't run
    for n = 0, Mag, Increment do
        Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame + (Direction * Increment)
        wait( (Time/Mag) * Increment )
    for n = 0, Mag, Increment do
        Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame - (Direction * Increment) --Used to be a plus *Derp*
        wait( (Time/Mag) * Increment )
    Debounce = false


The ClickDetector is there for debugging and the likes, which will be replaced with a loop. (Gif showing heiarchy and the previously broken segment Ignore disappearing issue)

Thank you for any help!


1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago

I worked with this before. So the best thing you can do is to Use BodyMoverObjects. This is because you want the Player to move with the brick, but since you're using CFrame to move the brick, the physics of the brick's movement doesn't exist. So what this does, it Ignores Friction, friction is what grips the player onto the brick . I really suggest to Use BodyPosition , because it uses existing physics. I know this might sound funny, but this is how it realistic it gets. I hope I helped!

Any idea on where to start with that? If I remember correctly, anchored blocks and bodymovers aren't exactly the best of friends. I wouldn't want the platform drooping under the weight of the player MBacon15 97 — 8y
Just Increase the BodyPosition's MaxForce. This is what handles the weight of anything if the MaxForce is high enough. GeezuzFusion 200 — 8y
Also, I forgot to mention to add in BodyGyro. BodyGyro keeps the part from rotating since it's floating. I would Increase the MaxTorque on this one too. GeezuzFusion 200 — 8y
Thanks! Sorry it took so long to accept, I was in Studio discovering. The tip about the MaxForce helped a ton. MBacon15 97 — 8y

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